Wednesday 20 March 2013


I think my Landscape shoot went well, I got lots of good images from all around Salford Quays. The day I took the pictures it was very sunny so I had to make sure I didn’t get any reflecting on my camera lens and that the pictures weren’t too bright. I decided not to use a flash on the day because of the weather I didn’t need it. I think all the locations I chose to take pictures of turned out well, I went to lots of different places around Salford Quays and think I showed the main places of it. I think I got some interesting shots of the big well know buildings and then some of places and landscapes I thought looked nice. The amount of shots and the amount of time it took me to get them was good because I got lots and extra within an hour of all over. Next time maybe I would change the time I went so that I got some pictures when the sun was setting and then some when it was dark. I think this would have been good because the sun set would have made some of my landscape pictures looks better and more interesting. Also if I got some pictures at night the lights at Salford Quays would have gave the pictures a different look. I think the editing I did for my chosen images was good and I explored lots of different effects and ways of editing. However if I was to do it again I would maybe not use the same effects on the majority of my pictures. There were a few pictures that I used the same effect on but just added a few others to make them look a bit different. I did try different things with my editing though and I think that is shown in my final images, I especially like my few images where I have selected a certain area to edit so that the picture looks split into blocks of different effects. I researched some landscape photographers because I started this project and went out to take my pictures. Phillip Hyde one of the photographers I researched influenced some of the images I took and editing I did. In one of his pictures I looked at and wrote about you could see three different layers to the picture. I tried to recreate a picture like his one by using the sky, buildings and then the road to show my three layers. Then when editing I selected and edited the three different layers to show the three layers. Edward Weston was another photographer that influenced my work. His pictures were in black and white so when I came to the editing process of my images I wanted to try a few of them black and white like him. I think this worked for some of my images because of how the black and white effect picked out the white sun and the dark silhouettes of the buildings and the shadows from them. I think my project and final images came out well and I had good images the first time I went out so was able to use a lot of them to edit. If I were to do this again I would take a different range of pictures on different days and maybe a different location. Then try more things out when editing my pictures.